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Four glass themed movies to watch this Halloween

Four glass themed movies to watch this Halloween

Spooky season is upon us, so you know what that means? It’s time to wrap up warm, get cosy on the sofa, grab some snacks, and put on a scary film. And to help you get into the seasonal spirit, we have put together a handful of glass related films (It’s everything we think about after all) for you to enjoy over the next week or so.

So, if you’re ready to find your new freaky favourite keep reading, but please remember, we cannot be held responsible for your enjoyment levels.

1.      Glass (2019)

Glass (2019)

Let’s start with an absolute belter of a movie, and an absolute must see for any comic / superhero fans out there that fancy something with a bit more thrill than Marvel.

Glass brings the incredible ‘Unbreakable trilogy’ to a close, and sees Samuel L Jackson, James McAvoy, and Bruce Willis reprise their roles from the equally as thrilling Unbreakable (2000), and Split (2016).

We don’t want to giveaway too much, so we highly recommend giving the previous two films a watch first, to really understand each of the main cast’s characters. But what we will say is that this epic franchise takes a completely different, and darker approach to superheroes and villains.

2.      Mirrors (2008)

Mirrors (2008)

Up next is Mirrors, an intense thriller involving, you guessed it, Mirrors. However, unlike the beautiful designs we provide, these are unfortunately home to a nasty, soul collecting demon.

Staring Kiefer Sutherland (24), and loosely based on the 2003 South Korean horror film ‘Into the Mirror’, this is not for everyone, but it does have a decent twist, and a sequel (Adequately name, Mirrors 2) to keep the thrill going for longer.




3.      Alice Through The Looking Glass (2016)

Alice Through The Looking Glass (2016)

Ok, ok, we understand that this one might be a bit of a stretch as a horror / thriller, however, it is a bit psychedelic and ideal watching for a younger audience.

What’s more, it has a very big hitting cast who provide laughter throughout.

While definitely not as good as it’s 2010 prequal, it is an easy watch if you not one for too much blood and gore.






4.      The Glass House (2001)

The Glass House (2001)

And now, we sadly come to the end of our list of glass related movies for the Halloween season, and it’s yet another not so successful title, the little known The Glass House.

A film with great potential, The Glass House just doesn’t ever get going in our opinion and ultimately descends into a bit of a mess, but worth a watch if you have a couple of hours to kill.






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